Morning Field - Click image for larger view |
It is almost winter, Although we have had a November that has been much warmer than others, the leaves seem to have left us more quickly this year. I did this sketch in Hope Valley, Rhode Island. The view is the field behind the Grange and ball field. It was very early in the morning and no one was around as I found just the right place to sketch from. This sketch is pencil on watercolor paper - I originally was thinking of painting, but got carried away with the pencil and eventually just ran out of time. I try to sketch each morning before work - most days starting around 6:30 and I am typically in to work by 7:30, so it gives me about about an hour to fill up a page or two. Some days I have less time as I spend my time searching for a good view or an interesting old building. Coming from the midwest, I am continually fascinated with the New England architecture which is so rich in variety, character and detail. The days are approaching their shortest daylight hours, and my morning light starts later each day. When I started this sketch the light was completely different that when I finished...another reason not to use paint. . .fast changing light in a complex image like this one is maddening and I seldom have the patience to come back again to finish another day. Once my time runs out, my sketch is done and not touched again.